Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

I am not in today. 

Please continue working on "Welcome to my school"  I think you all know what you should be doing.  You know where the cameras are and the key.  Make sure you are respectful to the classes in progress while you are in the hallways.  Thanks dudes and I will see you tomorrow. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Welcome to my School

Please take attendance in the blue binder and on Maplewood.  On my desk behind my computer there is a black disk holder with about 6 disks on it.  On the bottom of the pile there is a disk labeled Welcome to my School blah blah blah....  When the students are done their descriptions of the pre, pro and post,and they have read this blog, you can show them that DVD.  It is a movie of the complied projects from last semester.  :)  Thanks!

1. Finish your descriptions on all aspects of pre-production, production and post production.

2.  Start Welcome to my school project:

Your assignment is to generate a 2-3 minute video welcoming people to your school. This could be used for welcoming new students, or used to attract new students from other schools. Here are the steps that you need to follow in developing this assignment:
  1. Review all of the parts found in Pre-Production and Production. 
  2. Generate a storyboard. (Click on the link and print at least 4 pages for your group) Remember that the storyboard will contain all of the different shots and locations that you will be using. If it isn't on the storyboard, don't bother to shoot it, as you won't be able to use it. You also need to have chosen any background music and/or written any script before you seek approval.
  3. Get approval from your teacher for the storyboard.
  4. Shoot the required shots. make arrangements for everyone required to be available at one time, so that you don't waste precious shooting time trying to find people.
  5. Import the video into the editing software.
  6. Assemble the clips, music and titles onto the timeline.
  7. Use only the cross dissolve for transitions, unless you seek prior approval from your teacher.
  8. You should have the names of the group members before the beginning of the video.
  9. There should be credits at the end.
  10. The last thing on your video should be the date.
  11. Export the finished project to whatever format your teacher requires.
  12. This project will take you at least a week and a half, to two weeks to complete.  You will not start production until all the pre-production material is complete and approved by the teacher.  
Groups: Guys VS Girls

Group One: Dallas, Iz, Erica, Kassie, Brooke
Group Two: Devo, Aden, Pete, Nick

See you all Friday!

Preproduction, Production, Post Production from Curriculum

This is taken straight out of the Saskatchewan Curriculum.  Your assignment is to find a description of each part of the three stages.  :)

Pre-production Stage

Pre-production includes all activities related to planning. The following are examples:

  • setting up the production team

  • identifying tasks

  • establishing timelines

  • preparing a treatment and/or script

  • storyboarding

  • casting

  • gathering equipment and props

  • finding locations

  • scheduling (equipment, shooting, personnel)

  • preparing various logs

  • establishing timelines.

  • Production Stage 

    Video Production
  • working in production teams

  • following storyboards

  • rehearsing

  • setting up locations and blocking shots

  • camera operation and techniques (shooting)

  • recording audio with/without external microphones

  • lighting set-ups and techniques

  • equipment maintenance Audio Production

  • following a script or outline to produce an audio production

  • demonstrating care and maintenance of basic audio equipment

  • operating audio equipment including simple microphones recording in a variety of situations Multimedia Production

  • following storyboards

  • using two or more media and technologies

  • demonstrating set-up and shut down of presentation situations

  • Post Production Stage 

    During post-production the job of editing begins.
    Editing is often considered the most challenging, creative, satisfying, and time consuming stage of production. In order to edit audio and video footage, an editing system is required. Nonlinear equipment is preferred, especially at Levels 20 and 30, but if it is not available students at this level can edit with two VCRs or two tape machines.Or, in our day, appropriate editing software.

    Post-production includes:

  • assembly of the visual images

  • addition of audio elements

  • addition of graphics, including headings, logos, and credits.

  • 4 Minute Film School

    You can have a look at least any time you need to... awesome reference for what is expected in your projects.


    With every assignment that you do in CPT you will be marked on Pre-production, Production and Post-production.