Friday, January 28, 2011

Hello and Welcome to CPT 20

KCI 2010-2011
Communication Production Technology 20 (CPT20)
Mrs. A. Burback
Business Education Lab
Semester 1


Communication Production Technology 10, 20, 30 develops knowledge, skills, and abilities in audio, video, and multimedia production technologies. Throughout the course, students will participate in hands-on production-oriented activities, labs, and projects. Students will also engage in research and use industry specific terminology. Wherever possible, students will be learning concepts, vocabulary, and skills within the context of an actual production experience. The course will encourage students to work as a contributing member of a production team, engaged in processes commonly used within the communication production industry.

The Communication Production Technology course encourages the establishment of close links between schools and industry. For example, students should be exposed to site visits, work study, and job shadowing opportunities whenever possible. In an effort to provide students with employability skills in the industry, student assessment and evaluation should consider established and innovative practices within the industry. At the 30 level, students will be expected to compile a presentation portfolio of their work.

Communication Production Technology 20 increases students' understanding of important knowledge, skills, and abilities required in the creation of audio, video, and multimedia products. Students will be engaged in more complex processes than they experienced at Level 10, and will participate in one or more production projects. Post-production activities may be minimal at this level. Students will be expected to increase their understanding of all three of audio, video, and multimedia production.


Awareness: To develop knowledge, skills, and abilities used in communication production technologies.
Business Environment: To respond to current and innovative practices of the video, audio, and multimedia industry sector.
Career and Employment: To develop team-building skills, technical skills, and communication skills required for the workplace.
Personal Development: To promote self-esteem, confidence, and a positive attitude to communication production technology and present the results of students' efforts in working and presentation portfolios.
Communications: To develop students' social and communication skills as practitioners, potential employees, and entrepreneurs in the communication production industry sector.
Business and Entrepreneurial Attitudes: To provide a practical approach to developing and using students' skills and abilities in a variety of communication production ventures.

Foundational Objectives

Foundational objectives are the major, general statements that guide what each student is expected to achieve. Foundational objectives indicate the most important knowledge, skills, attitudes/values, and abilities for a student to learn in a particular course. Both the foundational objectives for Communication Production Technology 10, 20, 30 and the common essential learnings (CELs) foundational objectives to be emphasized are stated in each module of this guide. Some of these statements may be repeated or enhanced in different modules for emphasis. The foundational objectives of the core modules of the Communication Production Technology 10, 20, 30 curriculum are presented below.

• To develop an understanding of the scope and expectations of the Communication Production Technology course.
• To understand the role and influence of communication technology in today's world.
• To develop an awareness of the three stages of communication production.
• To develop an awareness of current industry practice at each of the three production stages.
• To understand legal and ethical issues associated with communication production, and become familiar with the process of obtaining copyright permission.
• To become familiar with the range of career opportunities within the industry, and understand the roles and responsibilities of various personnel.
• To develop knowledge of basic video production concepts, equipment, and processes.
• To develop knowledge of basic audio production concepts, equipment, and processes.
• To develop knowledge of basic multimedia production concepts, equipment, and processes.
• To demonstrate basic understanding of communication production technology through the development of one or more projects.
• To increase and refine knowledge, skills, and abilities in video production.
• To increase and refine knowledge, skills, and abilities in audio production.
• To increase and refine knowledge, skills, and abilities in multimedia production.
• To demonstrate understanding of communication production technology through development of one or more projects.
• To incorporate techniques and practices recommended within the industry into projects.
• To demonstrate understanding of communication production technology through development of one or more projects.
• To demonstrate a high level of critical and creative thinking regarding decision making and the application of techniques and practices recommended within the industry, in projects.

Skills and Processes:

• Effectively plan, organize, direct, and control a variety of communications activities;
• Use current technology and production skills to develop a process or a product in response to a communications challenge or problem;
• Set up, operate, and maintain a communications system and analyse its efficiency;
• Use effective techniques to carry out and document the steps in pre-production, production, and postproduction;
• Use mathematical and language skills effectively and apply scientific principles in the design of electronic, live, recorded, and graphic communications systems.


70% of your learning will be assessed through: Portfolio Assignments
30% of your learning will be assessed through: Final Project Evaluation

Your skills as a learner will be assessed in the way you demonstrate:
• Learning Skill “Look Fors”
• Working Independently Use your time productively.
• Teamwork Contribute to group projects.
• Encourage others in your group to contribute.
• Organization Maintain a useful notebook.
• Have the appropriate texts / materials when needed.
• Work Habits/Homework Work to deadlines
• Prepare for class discussions and activities.
• Initiative Work to revise and improve your work to achieve the best possible result.
• Seek help / clarification / enrichment when you need it.

Unit Outlines

CPTE05B Module 5B: Intermediate Video Production 15
CPTE06B Module 6B: Intermediate Audio Production 15
CPTE07B Module 7B: Intermediate Multimedia Production 20
CPTE08B Module 8B: Intermediate Production Project(s) 30
CPTE11 Module 11: Special Effects 4
CPTE12 Module 12: Animation 0
CPTE14 Module 14: Work Study Prep & Follow-up Activities 0
CPTE15 Module 15: Work Study 0
CPTE99 Module 99: Extended Study 0

*Last 4 units are optional (or extra) and can be used for Final Evaluation.

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