Monday, March 14, 2011

Television Commercial

The Television Commercial

TV commercials have become an incredible source of information and entertainment. When you consider that a :30 commercial for the 2003 Superbowl cost $2.1 million for the air time, not to mention the average $4 million for the production costs of each commercial. There is more money spent in 1 minutes around the world on adverting than there is on guns and weapons in an hour.
Your task is to generate a TV commercial that is exactly :30 seconds long. It must be exactly :30 seconds. At the rate quoted above for the super bowl, every frame of video is worth $2333.33!

Assignment: Recreate a commercial from TV EXACT IN EVERY DETAIL.  Abide by following criteria:
  • time: 30 seconds exactly, not including count down and credits
  • Identify the target audience
  • All commercials have a beginning, a middle and a conclusion.
  • An individual assignment, although you may need more talent.
  • The product that you are marketing must be appropriate for school.
  • Must have a complete storyboard, approved by the instructor, before you can begin. The storyboard must be extremely detailed, with every change in action and camera angle drawn in detail. You will not be allowed to deviate in any way from your storyboard. If you do, you will receive a mark of zero for the project.

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